Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Exercise 1: What is a System

The class definition of a system is "A set of components that are related in some manner. A set of variables selected by an observer (Ashby, 1960)." My definition of a System is a set of components acting upon each other and working as a whole.
Part I

System #1

System #2

System #3  

System #4

System #5

Part II

In class we went over all of the definition of the concepts of cybernetics and systems and talked about the ones we understood and didn't and clarified how they connected to a systems. One that I am most focus on would be Holism and it is "The complete, entire view of that system, emphasizing that the state of a system must be assessed in its entirety and cannot be assessed through its individual components. Dividing a system into its separate parts is considered destructive to that system and single parts within a system should not be prioritized." Instead of focusing on one part of the system, you focus on the system as a whole.

The other concept that I recognized was Feedback and it is "The flow of information back to its origin. A circular causal process in which a system’s output is returned to its input." This is more focused on System #5 that I made about how kids take information from a elder and process it. Ones you tell a kid something no matter if its good or bad, they Listen to what you said. Second they Validate the information by the seriousness of the info and situation. Then they Authorize the problem of the info and see what they did right or wrong. Then they act upon it and change what they did and then they reflect upon it all and if they do something else it would start all over. I got this Idea from a friend and stretched upon it. I don't know if this is right or not  

Monday, January 26, 2015

Readings #1

After reading the System Aesthetics article it finally gave me a clearer sense of understanding the concept of system art. The process is more focused on than the actual process and not the end result. Comparing this to like actual art and myself as the process I go through when making a piece, I always focus on the actual outcome and not the process. Artist are always under pressured to make a great piece and the outcome has to be phenomenal and no one ever worries about the process except probably the actual artist. Its pretty cool that art can be made with the focus more on the actual process instead of the end result.. I've learned a bit about System Art but I didn't know that it has been around so long, taking art history classes, you would think that they would mention these type of things.. After reading the definitions of these words in the sense of systems it makes you kind of look at these words differently and actually makes you look a lot of other things differently. System theory gave me a better understanding of the function of the system as a whole.